Agencia Anglicana para el Desarrollo de Honduras
How to help
The Diocese welcomes many forms of participation in it's mission work:
Add us to your prayer list: pray for the Diocese, for the people in Honduras and the Diocesan programs. We welcome any and all prayers.
Work with us to develop a diocese-to-diocese partnership or a parish-to-parish partnership. We'd love to work with you.
Come... and see for yourself. We can tell you a lot of things, but it's important for all of us to have personal interactions and to make decisions based on what we see and experience. So...... just come!
Get involved, wherever the Holy Spirit guides you. Donations of all kinds are helpful, but keep in mind that our focus and intention with all of our programming is on sustainability.
If you feel like making a donation for the Microloan Program, please contact us. Remember that, with only $50, you can help many women be empowered and change their lives.
Saving Groups
Saving groups are changing lives in the communities where we work.
Every year we are creating 20 different groups, where people are learning how to save money even with all their difficulties, since they are people who are low in economy resources. They are also being educated in different areas especially being responsible with one another and helping their communities grow.
In this is a video you can see how Microloans are changing peoples lives,these two women started with a microloan of $50 each and now with their own business they can sustain their families!
Please help us keep this program by donating and let's keep helping more people to have their own incomes
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feria+2014.JPG 2015-5-18-10:59:27 | Las crucitas | Short term mission group |
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