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The Savings Group Program creates self-managed savings groups in vulnerable communities.  These groups are taught, through classes and practical experience, how to manage their money themselves in a responsible way. Their classes include topics, such as savings, interest, loans and personal financial goals.

You can help supporting any of this projects by donating $50, you will be a lot of families in Honduras to have a better life!




This program offers its participants, especially women and their families, loans for small businesses, for personal needs or for refinancing existing loans. The microloan, as an alternative to existing financial structures, also helps ameliorate discrimination and poverty.



Brigades, or short term missions, are one more important ministries of Aanglidesh. The Episcopal Church in the United States and Canada, as well as other denominations, have sent approximately  400 short-term missionaries every year to assist in construction projects, Christian education and medical assistance.




This program is design to develop and strengthen micro enterprises en the Deanaries and this way the congregations can have incomes for their local chucrch, Deanary and to the Honduras Diocese. 

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